Niki @ Nootka
If you're a sea glass searcher with a passion for mermaid mysteries, beachcombing bonanzas and ocean oddities and would like to explore our wonderful Cornwall, Devon, Suffolk & Norfolk coastlines with me then come aboard and subscribe to Nootka Seaglass UK on YouTube and follow my journey via the social media links below.
Sea Glass Saved My Life
Like a mermaid I live a very simple life. I have very few belongings, not even a television, nor a house with running water or electricity and I haven't visited a hairdresser in eleven years! It may sound dramatic and it's a personal story, but it's true when I say that in 2018 sea glass saved my life and I'm forever thankful for my journey alongside it today.
I live just a few minutes from the coast with my wonderful soul mate in rugged & beautiful Cornwall and as well as the coast, I like to uncover local folklore and explore sacred sites, holy wells and ancient woodland. I've written an international best-selling book with publishers Llewellyn Worldwide, I'm currently writing my second book and I'm passionate about natural health & wellness, animals, wildlife and nature. I have degree's in Teaching, Psychology & Clinical Herbal Medicine - but my passion - sea glass!